Raminator Monster Truck PM1373 70KG High Voltage Digital Steering or Brake Servo


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Raminator Monster Truck PM1373 High Voltage Digital Steering or Brake Servo

Part number: PRPRE005

Tech tip: Make sure to adjust your steering endpoints (EPA) on your transmitter so that the servo at full turn is not pushing the steering linkage against the servo mounts, usually about 85% EPA works good.

  • Servo Case Size: 65.8x30x57.4mm
  • Mounting Size: 75×17.5mm
  • Weight: 200g
  • 15 tooth
  • Speed: 0.15sec/60 Degree at 6.0 volt. 0.13sec/60 Degree at 7.4 volt
  • Torque: 62kg / 6.0volt. 73kg / 7.4 volt
  • All Metal Gears
  • Aluminum center case.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
Vehicle Platform

Monster Truck

Servo Type

Brake, Steering

Servo Torque

60-69 kg